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May 19, 2022

What Is Unexplained Infertility?

We rather prefer to use the "infertility" definition for patients who can conceive thanks to a medical treatment.

Healthy couples do have a 85% chance of conceiving within a year with unprotected intercourse. If the couple does not achieve pregnancy within a year, their chances of conceiving decrease after each passing month.

One out of every three couples with infertility has factors belonging to the woman while the others have factors belonging to the man. The problem of couples with unexplained infectiousness is mostly related to the quality of the egg, the lack of fertilization in the body, genetic problems or sperm dysfunctions that are difficult to diagnose and treat. In such cases, medical treatment or treatment of (insemination) vaccination is limited. If there is no pregnancy within 3-6 months despite infertility treatments, it is recommended by doctors to have double IVF treatment.

While the IVF success rate is quite high in couples whose cause cannot be explained and where all triggers are normal in sight, when there is no fertilization in the body, it should not be forgotten that IVF failure in couples with problems in egg quality, fertilization problems and embryo development due to genetic factors may also cause negative results despite repeated attempts.

In couples with unexplained infertility, it is possible to diagnose the source of invisible problems when egg, sperm and embryo development is monitored in cases where IVF treatment is performed in equipped IVF centers and with experienced team.

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