News Detail

May 19, 2022


Our IVF team consists of gynecologists, experienced and successful clinicians and embryologists and applies individualized patient-friendly treatments by following current developments. Our team works in conjunction with specialist doctors in your country and if the patient's condition is appropriate, we try to keep the cost of staying in Turkey to a minimum as part of the treatment will continue starting in your own country.

In addition to the fact that the IVF process is a very special process that requires psychological support, you will always feel the support of the professional and distinguished staff of the UMAX IVF team in all kinds of difficulties of being in a country where you are foreign and do not know the language.

In conclusion, an IVF success doesn’t mean only the team and the infrastructure but also environmental effects, personalization of the process, and the tests which are very necessary in each step throughout the process. Our IVF team never leaves you alone with the process you face – it’s a total treatment process which consists of sensitive parameters that needs to be designed according to you personally.

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