May 19, 2022
We avoid using the term infertility in couples who cannot have children. Because infertility is a term used for patients who are not able to conceive in any way including medical methods.
May 19, 2022
A successful IVF doesn’t require only an expert team and the necessary infrastructure but also avoiding negative environmental effects, personalization of the process, and conducting the tests which are very necessary in each step throughout the process.
May 19, 2022
With the introduction of systems known as embryo-scopes (Time Lapse), in which embryo development is recorded twenty-four hours, artificial intelligence (AI) applications are used to select best performing embryos leading to a healthy pregnancy.
May 19, 2022
UMAXIVF team consists of accredited professionals which are facing the high number of IVF cases everyday comparing to the countries in the region. Moreover, UMAX IVF Labs are the infrastructures which are equipped with the utmost quality equipment.
Nov 30, 2021
At UMAXIVF - our fertility doctors, nurses, and clinical team members all feel that it is crucial for you to possess as much information as possible during your first steps to treatment